The Great Reset Timeline

Morpheus Codex
55 min readDec 15, 2021


The following is primarily a timeline of information relevant to what is discussed by Klaus Schwab, the Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, which describes itself as “the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation”. This timeline will present information based on the themes of what Schwab calls the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, as well as potential crises that could allow for the acceleration of its implementation.

June 22–23, 2001: “The Dark Winter exercise, held at Andrews AFB, Washington, DC, June 22–23, 2001, portrayed a fictional scenario depicting a covert smallpox attack on US citizens.”

January 14, 2005: “Atlantic Storm was a ministerial table-top exercise convened on January 14, 2005 by the Center for Biosecurity of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, the Center for Transatlantic Relations of the Johns Hopkins University, and the Transatlantic Biosecurity Network. The exercise used a fictitious scenario designed to mimic a summit of transatlantic leaders forced to respond to a bioterrorist attack.”

“During the six hour meeting, the transatlantic leaders wrestled with the enormity and rapid pace of the emerging epidemics of smallpox, the tension between domestic politics and international relations, the challenge of controlling the movement of people across borders, and an international shortage of critical medical resources such as smallpox vaccine.”

September 7–8, 2006: Black ICE (Bioterrorism International Coordination Exercise)

“In the Black ICE scenario six terrorists from South Asia self-infect with smallpox and, while they are at their most contagious, travel by air to Central Asia. During their travel and upon arrival, the terrorists infect as many people as possible with the disease. National response capabilities are quickly overwhelmed and governments call upon international organizations for assistance in areas such as disease diagnosis and interventions, public health and law enforcement investigations, coordinating transportation policies, and managing displaced populations.”

August 26, 2009: Wikileaks Cable: Russia Declines USG Request to Extend Joint Smallpox Research Through ISTC

May 2010: The Rockefeller Foundation publishes: Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development. The section titled “Lock Step” presents a fictitious scenario of a pandemic and its aftermath.

“The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter postpandemic recovery.” (Page 18)

“During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified.” (Page 19)

“In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests.” (Page 19)

March 14, 2013: The U.S. Is Stocking Drugs for a Hypothetical Smallpox Bio-Attack

January 15, 2014: Ahead of the WEF meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Schwab announced that he hoped the WEF would push the reset button on the global economy

January 22, 2014: The WEF publishes its meeting agenda: The Reshaping of the World: Consequences for Society, Politics and Business. (PDF)

“Consequently, the United Nations Secretary-General and the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) agreed with the World Economic Forum jointly to advance public-private cooperation, action and ambition on climate change and broader sustainability issues.” (Page 33)

“Companies that deal with sensitive and critical information such as those in financial services should put cyberattacks at the top of their list of risks. While CEOs and corporate boards are increasingly becoming aware of the threat, not everyone knows how to respond to it effectively. In today’s hyperconnected world, companies need to have dedicated IT teams to constantly monitor technology systems and devise ways to repel cyber attacks. Encryption is another line of defence as is two-factor verification — requiring a username and password; use of biometric information, such as fingerprints and DNA, are also useful techniques.” (Page 42)

2015: Rapid Medical Countermeasure Response to Infectious Diseases: Enabling Sustainable Capabilities Through Ongoing Public- and Private-Sector Partnerships

Peter Daszak, President of EcoHealth Alliance: “Daszak reiterated that, until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs such as a pan-influenza or pancoronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process, Daszak stated.” (Page 73)

March 14, 2015: Statement by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the High Level Segment of the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction

“Japan is working on the reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake based on the idea of ‘Build Back Better,’ which aims not simply to recover the same situation that existed prior to the disaster, but rather build a society that is more resilient to disasters than before.”

April 3, 2015: The next outbreak? We’re not ready | Bill Gates

Bill Gates on how to respond to the next pandemic: “And then we need to pair those medical people with the military. Taking advantage of the military’s ability to move fast, do logistics, and secure areas.” (Timestamp: 6:37)

September 25, 2015: UN adopts new Global Goals, charting sustainable development for people and planet by 2030

“The 2030 Agenda compels us to look beyond national boundaries and short-term interests and act in solidarity for the long-term. We can no longer afford to think and work in silos.

Institutions will have to become fit for a grand new purpose.”

PDF: Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

November 9, 2015: Journal article co-authored by Ralph Baric: A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence

December 12, 2015: Klaus Schwab: The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means, how to respond

“Engineers, designers, and architects are combining computational design, additive manufacturing, materials engineering, and synthetic biology to pioneer a symbiosis between microorganisms, our bodies, the products we consume, and even the buildings we inhabit.”

“…governments will gain new technological powers to increase their control over populations, based on pervasive surveillance systems and the ability to control digital infrastructure.”

“Modern conflicts involving states are increasingly ‘hybrid’ in nature, combining traditional battlefield techniques with elements previously associated with nonstate actors. The distinction between war and peace, combatant and noncombatant, and even violence and nonviolence (think cyberwarfare) is becoming uncomfortably blurry.”

“…the tracking and sharing of information about us is a crucial part of the new connectivity. Debates about fundamental issues such as the impact on our inner lives of the loss of control over our data will only intensify in the years ahead. Similarly, the revolutions occurring in biotechnology and AI, which are redefining what it means to be human by pushing back the current thresholds of life span, health, cognition, and capabilities, will compel us to redefine our moral and ethical boundaries.”

January 10, 2016: L’interview de Klaus Schwab

Klaus Schwab when asked about implants and when they will be implemented: “Certainly in the next ten years. At first we will implant them in our clothes, and then we could imagine that we will implant them in our brains or in our skin. And in the end, maybe, there will be a direct communication between our brain and the digital world. What we see is a kind of fusion of the physical, digital and biological world.”

May 20, 2016: ID2020 holds Inaugural Summit at the United Nations

“…the inaugural ID2020 Summit brought together over 400 people to discuss how to provide a unique digital identity to everyone on the planet, including the 1.5 billion people living without any form of recognized identification.”

“…a public-private partnership is needed to bring together the broad group of stakeholders, provide coordination, and ensure that the best technological innovations are implemented in ways that are appropriate, secure, and sustainable.”

November 11, 2016: WEF: Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better

“Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city — or should I say, ‘our city’. I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes.”

“Everything you considered a product, has now become a service.”

“In our city we don’t pay any rent, because someone else is using our free space whenever we do not need it. My living room is used for business meetings when I am not there.”

“My biggest concern is all the people who do not live in our city. Those we lost on the way. Those who decided that it became too much, all this technology. Those who felt obsolete and useless when robots and AI took over big parts of our jobs. Those who got upset with the political system and turned against it. They live different kind of lives outside of the city. Some have formed little self-supplying communities. Others just stayed in the empty and abandoned houses in small 19th century villages.”

“Once in awhile I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. No where I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me.”

January 10, 2017: Dr. Fauci: “There is no question that there will be a challenge the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases … there will be a surprise outbreak.”

February 6, 2017: The WEF publishes a video on social media: 8 predictions for the world in 2030

“You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.”

“The US won’t be the world’s leading superpower.”

“You’ll eat much less meat.”

“Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide.”

“Western values will have been tested to the breaking point.”

April 1, 2017: The Rockefeller Foundation awards a grant to Identity2020 Systems Inc.

“Toward the costs of establishing an alliance of governments, non-governmental organizations and private sector companies committed to providing digital identity to populations currently lacking any type of formal identification.”

June 19, 2017: Accenture, Microsoft team up on blockchain-based digital ID network

“…build a digital ID network using blockchain technology, as part of a United Nations-supported project to provide legal identification to 1.1 billion people worldwide with no official documents.”

“The companies unveiled a prototype of the network on Monday at the UN headquarters in New York during the second summit of ID2020, a public-private consortium promoting the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of providing legal identity for everyone on the planet.”

June 28, 2017: World Bank Launches First-Ever Pandemic Bonds to Support $500 Million Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility

July 6, 2017: How Canadian researchers reconstituted an extinct poxvirus for $100,000 using mail-order DNA

“Eradicating smallpox, one of the deadliest diseases in history, took humanity decades and cost billions of dollars. Bringing the scourge back would probably take a small scientific team with little specialized knowledge half a year and cost about $100,000.”

October 2017: Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security publishes: The SPARS Pandemic: A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Communicators

“From a government standpoint, the current administration is led by President Randall Archer, who took office in January 2025. Archer served as Vice President under President Jaclyn Bennett (2020–2024), who did not seek a second term due to health concerns.” (Page 2)

“Responding to Misinformation or Doubt about an MCM Generated by a Prominent Public Figure: Given the ability of powerful, popular figures to reinforce or to undermine public health messages, what steps might health authorities — at either national or local levels — take to reverse the negative effects of BZee’s unintended linkage of Tuskegee and Corovax…” (Page 28)

“On July 9, 2026, a week before Corovax was released for distribution in the United States, the power grid at the Grand Coulee Dam in eastern Washington State experienced a catastrophic failure. While the event did not destroy any infrastructure or result in any deaths, it did cause widespread power outages in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and British Columbia. Though power was restored within a day of the initial outage, blackouts continued plaguing these areas over the next three weeks.” (Page 40)

“The group vigorously debated whether it was appropriate for the President to acknowledge the sacrifice that vaccine recipients had made on behalf of their communities or to console them in their grief over that sacrifice.” (Page 64)

“Reports of Corovax side effects began to gain traction. Several parents of children who experienced neurological symptoms after receiving the vaccination sued the federal government and CynBio. The lawsuit was dropped when they learned of compensation funds available through the PREP Act and the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund.” (Page 75)

January 2018: World Economic Forum publishes: The Known Traveller: Unlocking the potential of digital identity for secure and seamless travel (In collaboration with Accenture) (PDF)

“Emerging technologies — from biometrics to distributed ledger to machine learning — offer tremendous potential to transform and enhance the global travel security system.” (Page 3)

“Security is increasingly the focus for international travellers and border agencies as a result of growing turmoil and uncertainty due to geopolitical tensions, complex international security policies, the threat of terrorism and the rise of global pandemics.” (Page 8)

February 2018 (Webster definition date): Merriam-Webster Defines 79 Percent of Americans as ‘Anti-Vaxxers’

“Peter Sokolowski, editor at large of, said that the entry for ‘anti-vaxxer’ was first added to the online dictionary in February 2018 and hasn’t been revised or changed since. It has always defined it as ‘a person who opposes vaccination or laws that mandate vaccination’.”

March 28, 2018: ID2020: Immunization: an entry point for digital identity

“And because immunization is conducted in infancy, providing children with a digital child health card would give them a unique, portable digital identity early in life. And as children grow, their digital child health card can be used to access secondary services, such as primary school, or ease the process of obtaining alternative credentials. Effectively the child health card becomes the first step in establishing a legal, broadly recognized identity.”

May 15, 2018: “Clade X is a day-long pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of National Security Council–convened meetings of 10 US government leaders, played by individuals prominent in the fields of national security or epidemic response.”

Clade-X-exercise-presentation PDF: “Clade X Virus Synthesis: Genes for neurologic virulence of Nipah have been inserted into the parainfluenza genome. Virologists with special training and a reasonably outfitted laboratory could make the virus.” (Page 27)

September 2018: WEF Insight Report: Identity in a Digital World: A new chapter in the social contract (PDF)

“Our identity is, literally, who we are, and as the digital technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution advance, our identity is increasingly digital. This digital identity determines what products, services and information we can access — or, conversely, what is closed off to us.” (Page 5)

“Governments are increasingly advancing digital identity systems to support multiple goals: efficient public service delivery, sustained rule of law and robust democratic processes. At the same time, they also have a growing responsibility to ensure that systems and processes do not lead to unconstitutional intrusions into a citizen’s or resident’s privacy, or become a tool for unwarranted surveillance, discrimination and abuse.” (Page 10)

“New technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT) that establish and verify identity of produce can enable an end-to-end supply-chain traceability model.” (Page 11)

“Digital identity systems need technological innovation, robust regulatory frameworks, widespread public trust and acceptance, a design that appeals to consumers and long-term financial sustainability. This makes them ideal candidates for public-private partnerships, with clearly defined roles and incentives for all involved.” (Page 19)

January to August 2019: Crimson Contagion was a joint exercise conducted from January to August 2019, in which numerous national, state and local, private and public organizations in the US participated, in order to test the capacity of the federal government and twelve states to respond to a severe pandemic of influenza originating in China.

March 26, 2019: WHO launches new global influenza strategy

March 26, 2019: UN accuses Blackstone Group of contributing to global housing crisis

“The UN’s housing advisor has accused private equity firms and one of the world’s largest corporate residential landlords, Blackstone Group, of exploiting tenants, ‘wreaking havoc’ in communities and helping to fuel a global housing crisis.”

June 13, 2019: World Economic Forum and UN Sign Strategic Partnership Framework

“The World Economic Forum and the United Nations signed today a Strategic Partnership Framework outlining areas of cooperation to deepen institutional engagement and jointly accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The framework was drafted based on a mapping of existing collaboration between the two institutions and will enable a more strategic and coordinated approach towards delivering impact.”

June 27, 2019: Former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb joins Pfizer’s board of directors

July 24, 2019 (funding date): “But just last year, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the organization led by Dr. Fauci, funded scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other institutions for work on gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses.

“A second phase of the project, beginning that year, included additional surveillance work but also gain-of-function research for the purpose of understanding how bat coronaviruses could mutate to attack humans. The project was run by EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit research group, under the direction of President Peter Daszak, an expert on disease ecology.”

August 5, 2019: Deadly Germ Research Is Shut Down at Army Lab Over Safety Concerns

“The statement said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention decided to issue a ‘cease and desist order’ last month to halt the research at Fort Detrick because the center did not have ‘sufficient systems in place to decontaminate wastewater’ from its highest-security labs.

But there has been no threat to public health, no injuries to employees and no leaks of dangerous material outside the laboratory, Ms. Vander Linden said.

In the statement, the C.D.C. cited ‘national security reasons’ as the rationale for not releasing information about its decision.”

“The army institute also employed Bruce E. Ivins, a microbiologist who was a leading suspect — but who was never charged — in the anthrax mailings in 2001 that killed five people. Dr. Ivins died in 2008, apparently by suicide.”

August 19, 2019: Blackrock publishes: Dealing with the next downturn: From unconventional monetary policy to unprecedented policy coordination (PDF)

“Going direct means the central bank finding ways to get central bank money directly in the hands of public and private sector spenders. Going direct, which can be organised in a variety of different ways, works by: 1) bypassing the interest rate channel when this traditional central bank toolkit is exhausted, and; 2) enforcing policy coordination so that the fiscal expansion does not lead to an offsetting increase in interest rates.

An extreme form of ‘going direct’ would be an explicit and permanent monetary financing of a fiscal expansion, or so-called helicopter money.” (Page 2)

“…in a downturn the only solution is for a more formal — and historically unusual — coordination of monetary and fiscal policy to provide effective stimulus.” (Page 8)

“Any additional measures to stimulate economic growth will have to go beyond the interest rate channel and ‘go direct’ — when a central bank crediting private or public sector accounts directly with money. One way or another, this will mean subsidising spending — and such a measure would be fiscal rather than monetary by design. This can be done directly through fiscal policy or by expanding the monetary policy toolkit with an instrument that will be fiscal in nature, such as credit easing by way of buying equities. This implies that an effective stimulus would require coordination between monetary and fiscal policy — be it implicitly or explicitly.” (Page 8)

August 22, 2019: Symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Jackson Hole, Wyoming: Challenges for Monetary Policy

Fed Chair Jerome Powell: “Banks and other key institutions have significantly more capital and more stable funding than before the (2007–08 financial) crisis.”

“To address this new normal, we are conducting a public review of our monetary policy strategy, tools, and communications — the first of its kind for the Federal Reserve. We are evaluating the pros and cons of strategies that aim to reverse past misses of our inflation objective. We are examining the monetary policy tools we have used both in calm times and in crisis, and we are asking whether we should expand our toolkit.”

August 26, 2019: U.S. officials fear ransomware attack against 2020 election

September 3, 2019: HHS Purchases Smallpox Vaccine to Enhance Biodefense Preparedness

“As part of ongoing preparedness efforts against biodefense threats, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will purchase smallpox vaccine, called ACAM2000, to build and replenish vaccine stored in the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) over the next decade.

Under the agreement announced today, the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), which oversees the SNS, will award approximately $170 million to Emergent BioSolutions…”

September 4, 2019: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation spent $55MM on a pre-ipo equity investment into BioNtech, which later partnered with Pfizer to make its mRNA vaccine.

September 5, 2019: CommonHealth Will Enable Android™ Phone Users to Access and Share their Electronic Health Record Data with Trusted Apps and Partners

“Cornell Tech, UC San Francisco (UCSF), Sage Bionetworks, Open mHealth and The Commons Project are collaborating to develop CommonHealth, an open-source, non-profit public service designed to make it easy and secure for people to collect their electronic health record data and share it with health apps and partners that have demonstrated their trustworthiness.”

September 12, 2019 (date of database suspension): Gravitas Exclusive: Why did Wuhan lab take database of ‘22,000 virus samples’ offline?

“The ‘Bat Woman’ Shi claimed that the database was taken down because of hacking attempts during the pandemic.”

“…the database was actually taken down in September 2019.”

September 17, 2019: Fed runs repo Tuesday amid worries about keeping its benchmark rate in check

“The Federal Reserve conducted a repurchase operation Tuesday involving $53 billion worth of various debt instruments as it seeks to control the level of its benchmark interest rate. It was the first such move in a decade.”

September 17, 2019: Blast sparks fire at Russian laboratory housing smallpox virus

“The smallpox virus survives in two places on Earth: at Vector and at another high-security laboratory at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.”

September 18, 2019: The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security publishes: Preparedness for a High-Impact Respiratory Pathogen Pandemic

“Nucleic acid (RNA and DNA)–based vaccines are widely seen as highly promising and potentially rapid vaccine development pathways, though they have not yet broken through with licensed products.” (Page 11)

“During an emergency, it should be expected that implementation of some NPIs (nonpharmaceutical interventions), such as travel restrictions and quarantine, might be pursued for social or political purposes by political leaders, rather than pursued because of public health evidence.” (Page 13)

National governments need to prepare for the deliberate use of a respiratory pathogen.” (Page 14)

“Continued research into the science of attribution, as well as the strengthening of surveillance systems, international collaboration, and implementation of treaty agreements, particularly the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), are all needed for an effective response to the deliberate use of a biological weapon with a high-impact respiratory pathogen.” (Page 14)

September 18, 2019: Global Preparedness Monitoring Board: A World At Risk: Annual report on global preparedness for health emergencies

“Countries, donors and multilateral institutions must be prepared for the worst.
A rapidly spreading pandemic due to a lethal respiratory pathogen (whether naturally emergent or accidentally or deliberately released) poses additional preparedness requirements. Donors and multilateral institutions must ensure adequate investment in developing innovative vaccines and therapeutics, surge manufacturing capacity, broad-spectrum antivirals and appropriate non-pharmaceutical interventions. All countries must develop a system for immediately sharing genome sequences of any new pathogen for public health purposes along with the means to share limited medical countermeasures across countries.

Progress indicator(s) by September 2020
• Donors and countries commit and identify timelines for: financing and development of a universal influenza vaccine, broad spectrum antivirals, and targeted therapeutics. WHO and its Member States develop options for standard procedures and timelines for sharing of sequence data, specimens, and medical countermeasures for pathogens other than influenza.” (Page 8)

September 18, 2019: Wuhan Customs Holds 30 Days Countdown to Military Games and Emergency Response Drill at Ports (English translation)

Original source:

September 19, 2019: Executive Order 13887: Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health

September 19, 2019: ID2020 Alliance launches digital ID program with Government of Bangladesh and Gavi, announces new partners at annual summit

“Recognizing the opportunity for immunization to serve as a platform for digital identity, this program leverages existing vaccination and birth registration operations to offer newborns a persistent and portable biometrically-linked digital identity.”

September 20, 2019: The World Knows an Apocalyptic Pandemic Is Coming

September 24, 2019: FDA approves first live, non-replicating vaccine (Jynneos) to prevent smallpox and monkeypox

October 8, 2019: AB 1482 “The California Tenant Protection Act of 2019”

“Statewide law that goes into effect on January 1, 2020 and expires on January 1, 2030.”

October 18, 2019: Military World Games opens in Wuhan, ushering in new era

“This edition marks the first time that the Games have been staged outside the military barracks and the first time all the events are held in one city.”

October 18, 2019: Event 201 simulated the effects of a fictional coronavirus originating in bats but passing to humans via pigs.

“The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise … The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.”

“Governments and the private sector should assign a greater priority to developing methods to combat mis- and disinformation prior to the next pandemic response.”

October 25, 2019: Joe Biden: We are not prepared for a pandemic. Trump has rolled back progress President Obama and I made to strengthen global health security. We need leadership that builds public trust, focuses on real threats, and mobilizes the world to stop outbreaks before they reach our shores.

November 17, 2019 (case date): Coronavirus: China’s first confirmed Covid-19 case traced back to November 17

December 12, 2019: Alleged leaked document: Confidential Disclosure Agreement between NIAID, Moderna Therapeutics, Inc. and its affiliates

“mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates developed and jointly owned by NIAID and Moderna” (Page 105) (Signed by Ralph Baric on Page 107)

December 19, 2019: Bill Gates: “What’s next for our foundation? I’m particularly excited about what the next year could mean for one of the best buys in global health: vaccines.”

December 27, 2019 (case date): Coronavirus: France’s first known case ‘was in December’

December 29, 2019: Central Bank Gold Hoarding Hits 50-Year High

“…at least 37 developed central banks have participated in significant monetary easing practices like large scale overnight repos and slashing interest rates.”

January 7, 2020: Prediction For 2030: A Government Take Over Of Rental Housing

January 8, 2020: 2019 had the most CEO departures on record with more than 1,600

“A ‘staggering’ 1,640 CEOs left their posts in 2019, the highest year on record since Challenger, Gray, & Christmas began tracking in 2002.”

January 11, 2020: Chinese researchers reveal draft genome of virus implicated in Wuhan pneumonia outbreak

“Ralph Baric, a coronavirus researcher at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, notes that of the four known SARS-related bat viruses capable of infecting humans, this one is the most distant from SARS itself. After downloading the sequence last night, his lab immediately began to try to reverse-engineer a live virus from the sequence, which can be helpful to develop antibody tests and to start experiments in animal models. ‘If you want to have a strong public health response, you have to do this quickly,’ says Baric, who leads one of the few labs in the world that can re-create coronaviruses just from their sequences. (Bureaucratic hurdles would make it difficult for China to ship the actual virus quickly to other countries, he says.)”

January 14, 2020: WHO: Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China

January 14, 2020: BlackRock CEO Laurence Fink: A Fundamental Reshaping of Finance

“And because capital markets pull future risk forward, we will see changes in capital allocation more quickly than we see changes to the climate itself. In the near future — and sooner than most anticipate — there will be a significant reallocation of capital.”

“Despite recent rapid advances, the technology does not yet exist to cost-effectively replace many of today’s essential uses of hydrocarbons. We need to be mindful of the economic, scientific, social and political realities of the energy transition. Governments and the private sector must work together to pursue a transition that is both fair and just…”

January 17, 2020: WEF: Microsoft wants to erase its carbon footprint — past and future

“Microsoft plans to cut carbon emissions by more than half by 2030 across its supply chain, an effort requiring technology that does not fully exist, company President Brad Smith said.”

January 21, 2020: First U.S. Case of Deadly Coronavirus Confirmed in Washington State

January 21, 2020 (phone call date): How the Moderna Covid-19 mRNA vaccine was made so quickly

“Afeyan (Moderna co-founder) remembers getting a key call about the development of the Covid-19 vaccine. ‘January 21st, my daughter’s birthday … I got a call from Davos [during The World Economic Forum] from the CEO of Moderna,’ he says. Bancel had been approached by a number of public health groups at the conference ‘urging’ him to work on a vaccine.

‘We literally decided overnight … to try and do this,’ Afeyan said at MIT.”

January 24, 2020: Read Yuval Harari’s blistering warning to Davos in full

“But technology might also disrupt human society and the very meaning of human life in numerous ways, ranging from the creation of a global useless class to the rise of data colonialism and of digital dictatorships.”

“Now in the past, many governments and tyrants wanted to do it, but nobody understood biology well enough and nobody had enough computing power and data to hack millions of people. Neither the Gestapo nor the KGB could do it. But soon at least some corporations and governments will be able to systematically hack all the people. We humans should get used to the idea that we are no longer mysterious souls — we are now hackable animals. That’s what we are.”

February 13, 2020: CEO Departures Begin 2020 at Record Pace

“The number of U.S. chief executive officers who lost or left their jobs in January set a monthly record of 219, more than any other month since outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas began tracking the data in 2002. The previous record was 172 departures in October of last year.”

February 17, 2020: Top disease official (Dr. Fauci): Risk of coronavirus in USA is ‘minuscule’; skip mask and wash hands

Dr. Fauci: “If you look at the masks that you buy in a drug store, the leakage around that doesn’t really do much to protect you,” he said. “People start saying, ‘Should I start wearing a mask?’ Now, in the United States, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to wear a mask.”

March 12, 2020: WHO announces COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic

March 13, 2020: President Donald J. Trump Directs FEMA Support Under Emergency Declaration for COVID-19

March 18, 2020: Bill Gates Calls For National Tracking System For Coronavirus During Reddit AMA

March 20, 2020: Coronavirus: US Senators face calls to resign over ‘insider trading’

March 20, 2020: Yuval Noah Harari: the world after coronavirus

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel recently authorised the Israel Security Agency to deploy surveillance technology normally reserved for battling terrorists to track coronavirus patients. When the relevant parliamentary subcommittee refused to authorise the measure, Netanyahu rammed it through with an ‘emergency decree’.”

“If corporations and governments start harvesting our biometric data en masse, they can get to know us far better than we know ourselves, and they can then not just predict our feelings but also manipulate our feelings and sell us anything they want — be it a product or a politician.”

“Even when infections from coronavirus are down to zero, some data-hungry governments could argue they needed to keep the biometric surveillance systems in place…”

March 24, 2020 (fed announcement date): Top U.S. Officials Consulted With BlackRock as Markets Melted Down

“Laurence D. Fink, the chief executive of BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, was in frequent touch with Mr. Mnuchin and Mr. Powell in the days before and after many of the Fed’s emergency rescue programs were announced in late March.”

“On March 24, 2020, the New York Fed announced that it had again hired BlackRock’s advisory arm, which operates separately from the company’s asset-management business but which Mr. Fink oversees, this time to carry out the Fed’s purchases of commercial mortgage-backed securities and corporate bonds.”

March 25, 2020: How we must respond to the coronavirus pandemic | Bill Gates

“Eventually what we’ll have to have is certificates of who’s a recovered person, who’s a vaccinated person. Because you don’t want people moving around the world where you’ll have some countries that won’t have it under control, sadly. You don’t want to completely block off the ability for those people to go there and come back and move around.” (Timestamp 34:13)

This quote immediately followed the quote above. It was seen during the original livestream, but TED edited it out of their official video upload: “So, eventually there will be sort of this digital immunity proof that will help facilitate the global reopening up.” Unedited audio version: (Timestamp: 39:25)

March 26, 2020 (patent publication date): Microsoft Patents New Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data

“Microsoft Technology Licensing, the licensing arm of Microsoft Corp., has been granted an international patent for a ‘cryptocurrency system using body activity data.’ The patent was published by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on March 26. The application was filed on June 20 last year. ‘Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system,’ the patent reads.”

March 27, 2020: The CARES Act is signed into law.

April 2, 2020: Trump administration ended pandemic early-warning program to detect coronaviruses

“Two months before the novel coronavirus probably began spreading in Wuhan, China, the Trump administration ended a $200-million pandemic early-warning program aimed at training scientists in China and other countries to detect and respond to such a threat.”

“Field work ceased when the funding ran out in September, and organizations that worked on the PREDICT program laid off dozens of scientists and analysts, said Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, a key player in the program.”

April 3, 2020: Henry Kissinger: The Coronavirus Pandemic Will Forever Alter the World Order

Kissinger: “When the Covid-19 pandemic is over, many countries’ institutions will be perceived as having failed.”

April 8, 2020: US intelligence warned in November that coronavirus spreading in China could be ‘cataclysmic event’

“‘Analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event,’ one of the sources told the network, who added that the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon’s Joint Staff and the White House were briefed ‘multiple times’.”

April 20, 2020: China Rolls Out Pilot Test of Digital Currency

April 21, 2020: Rockefeller Foundation Announces National Coronavirus Testing Plan With $15 Million Investment

“The plan consists of three stages: expanding COVID-19 testing, launching a healthcare corps for testing and contact tracing, and creating universal digital platforms for coronavirus testing data.”

April 30, 2020: Bavarian Nordic Announces a New Order for JYNNEOS Smallpox Vaccine from the U.S. Government Potentially Worth USD 200 Million

May 1, 2020: New legislation proposed: H.R.6666 — COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act

May 1, 2020: Trump issues executive order to protect power grid from attack

May 6, 2020: WEF: Here’s what travelling could be like after COVID-19

“Automation across the entire sector will become the new norm. Biometrics are already a widely accepted solution for identity verification, and their use will become more widespread as physical fingerprint and hand scanners are phased out. More touchless options will come into play including contactless fingerprint, as well as iris and face recognition. Moreover, technology for touchless data-entry such as gesture control, touchless document scanning and voice commands are already being tested.”

May 14, 2020: Ousted virus expert Rick Bright warns of “darkest winter in modern history”

May 15, 2020: China confirms unauthorised labs were told to destroy early coronavirus samples

May 15, 2020: F.D.A. Halts Coronavirus Testing Program Backed by Bill Gates

“Dr. Eric Topol, the director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, who is not involved in the Seattle group, said it had ‘emerged as leading lights in this whole Covid-19 crisis.’ He said it was ‘bizarre’ that the F.D.A. would halt such a project.”

May 15, 2020: Trump Administration Announces Framework and Leadership for ‘Operation Warp Speed’

May 27, 2020: Are We Ready To Embrace A New World Order?

“We are at war with mother nature. Perhaps, she is giving us a lesson from nature, enabling us to rethink what we’ve known as truth, to change our ways and redesign how we live, work, interact with each other, and redefine access to our supply chain.”

May 27, 2020: Coronavirus: NHS app paves the way for ‘immunity passports

May 28, 2020: Advisor resigns from ID2020 objecting to blockchain immunity passports for COVID-19

May 28, 2020: ‘Cyber Winter Is Coming,’ Top Israeli Official Warns After Iran Attack on Water System

June 3, 2020: WEF: Now is the time for a ‘great reset

“…a sharp economic downturn has already begun, and we could be facing the worst depression since the 1930s.”

“To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”

June 4, 2020: WEF: Tracking how our bodies work could change our lives

“We’re entering the era of the ‘Internet of Bodies’: collecting our physical data via a range of devices that can be implanted, swallowed or worn.”

June 9, 2020: Digital Identity: The Missing Piece of the Government’s Exit Strategy

June 23, 2020: Bill and Melinda Gates on COVID-19

Bill Gates: “So we, you know, will have to prepare for the next one (pandemic). That, you know, I’d say is-will get attention this time.” (Timestamp: 7:03)

June 27, 2020: World Government Summit: Regional and Global Investment Dynamics in the New Normal.

Larry Fink: I believe this existential risk of covid is equivalent to the existential risk of climate change.

July 1, 2020: Rockefeller Foundation grant: United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network

“In support of a Lancet Commission to promote effective economic, social, and public health responses to the Covid pandemic and an economic recovery that supports the Sustainable Development Goals.”

July 8, 2020: The WEF hosts Cyber Polygon, “an annual online exercise which connects various global organisations to train their competencies, exchange best practices and bring tangible results to the world community”.

Troels Oerting, Chairman of the Advisory Board, the WEF Centre for Cybersecurity: “We will probably never go back to the times we had before — we will not go back to the offices.” (Page 21)

“In the era of digitisation, fake news has become a dangerous weapon being used by cybercriminals to attack people and organisations.” (Page 25)

“A critical situation cannot be tackled by an organisation or a lone individual. In a highly interconnected world, a single cyber attack can spread exponentially across the global community. This situation can be prevented by promoting collaboration between the public and private sectors and law enforcement agencies.” (Page 29)

Klaus Schwab: “We all know, but still pay insufficient attention to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack, which would bring to a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack.”

Schwab: “It is important to use the COVID-19 crisis as a timely opportunity to reflect on the lessons of cybersecurity community to draw and improve our unpreparedness for a potential cyber pandemic.” (Timestamp: 9:18)

July 14, 2020: WEF livestream: COVID-19: The Great Reset

Klaus Schwab: “The next crisis is already waiting for us around the corner, and it is the climate crisis”. (Timestamp: 9:05)

Schwab: “The people assume we are just going back to the good old world which we had and everything will be normal again in how we are used to normal in the old fashioned. This is, let’s say, fiction, it will not happen, the cut which we have now is much too strong in order not to leave traces.” (Timestamp: 1:02:46)

July 14, 2020: The WEF publishes: Building Back Better: An Action Plan for the Media, Entertainment and Culture Industry

“The first step in building back better is global, transformative recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic — one that reduces risk and mitigates the negative impact of future crises and embraces inclusive and sustainable development to meet the goals of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.” (Page 18)

July 14, 2020: 7NEWS Update

NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard: “This is a world pandemic. It’s a 1 in 100 year event. So you can expect that we will have transmission, from time to time. And that’s just the way it is. We’ve got to accept that this is the new world order.” (Timestamp: 3:38)

July 28, 2020: Peter Daszak: We are entering an era of pandemics — it will end only when we protect the rainforest

“As we rebuild our economies after the coronavirus pandemic, rather than returning to the system of unchecked consumption that brought us Covid-19, we have an opportunity to green our economies.”

August 13, 2020: The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston announces collaboration with MIT to research digital currency

“The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston today announced a multiyear collaboration with the Digital Currency Initiative at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to perform technical research related to a central bank digital currency.”

September 29, 2020: Coronavirus: Trudeau tells UN conference that pandemic provided “opportunity for a reset”

Trudeau: “This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset. This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts, to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality, and climate change.”

Building back better means getting support to the most vulnerable while maintaining our momentum on reaching the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).”

October 6, 2020: PM’s keynote speech from Conservative Party Conference

Boris Johnson: “But after all we have been through it isn’t enough just to go back to normal. We have lost too much. We have mourned too many. We have been through too much frustration and hardship just to settle for the status quo ante — to think that life can go on as it was before the plague; and it will not. Because history teaches us that events of this magnitude — wars, famines, plagues; events that affect the vast bulk of humanity, as this virus has — they do not just come and go. They are more often than not the trigger for an acceleration of social and economic change, because we human beings will not simply content ourselves with a repair job. We see these moments as the time to learn and to improve on the world that went before. That is why this government will build back better.”

“We Conservatives believe that way lies disaster, and that we must build back better by becoming more competitive, both in tax and regulation.”

“I want you to imagine that you are arriving in Britain in 2030, when I hope that much of the programme I have outlined will be delivered, and you arrive in your zero carbon jet made in the UK and you flash your Brexit blue passport or your digital ID, you get an ev digital taxi…”

October 8, 2020: NSW Health Conference: COVID-19-update-October-8th

Brad Hazzard: “The other area of danger is the place we would normally consider to be the safest place on Earth — our homes … we must treat this new world order-this new world of covid, we must treat this new world of covid, even in our own homes, with a high level of care and caution.” (Timestamp: 24:06)

October 9, 2020: Airlines are testing a new COVID-19 digital health pass so passengers can easily prove they’ve tested negative for coronavirus

“The framework for the digital pass was developed by The World Economic Forum and the Commons Project Foundation…”

October 9, 2020: Bank for International Settlements: Central bank digital currencies: foundational principles and core features

“Defending against cyber attacks will be made more difficult as the number of endpoints in a general purpose CBDC system will be significantly larger than those of current wholesale central bank systems.” (Page 5)

“…increasing digitalisation could leave some sections of society behind as potential barriers around trust, digital literacy, access to IT and data privacy concerns create a digital divide.” (Page 6)

“For a CBDC and its system, payments data will exist, and a key national policy question will be deciding who can access which parts of it and under what circumstances.” (Page 6)

October 15, 2020: Kristalina Georgieva, IMF Managing Director: A New Bretton Woods Moment

“We can do better than build back the pre-pandemic world — we can build forward to a world that is more resilient, sustainable, and inclusive.

We must seize this new Bretton Woods moment.”

“Beyond this, where debt is unsustainable, it should be restructured without delay. We should move towards greater debt transparency and enhanced creditor coordination. I am encouraged by G20 discussions on a Common framework for Sovereign Debt Resolution as well as on our call for improving the architecture for sovereign debt resolution, including private sector participation.”

“Just as the pandemic has shown that we can no longer ignore health precautions, we can no longer afford to ignore climate change…”

October 21, 2020: Klaus Schwab writes an article for Time: A Better Economy Is Possible. But We Need to Reimagine Capitalism to Do It

“…BlackRock asked the CEOs of companies it invested in to more explicitly pursue environmental, social and governance goals.”

October 21, 2020: Article from Time’s “Great Reset” Collection: It’s 2023. Here’s How We Fixed the Global Economy

“The year is 2023. The COVID-19 pandemic has come to an end, and the global economy is on the path to recovery.”

“Governments used a digital revolution to improve public services, from digital health to e-cards, and create a citizen-centered welfare state.”

“In the summer of 2022, the other major crisis of our age took a turn for the apocalyptic. Climate breakdown finally landed in the developed world, testing the resilience of social systems.”

“The world has embraced a ‘new normal’ that ensures public-private collaborations are driven by public interest, not private profit.”

October 22, 2020: Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee October 22, 2020 Meeting Presentation

PDF: FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines: DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes (Page 17)

October 23, 2020: “The MHRA urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs) and ensure that no details from the ADRs’ reaction text are missed.” (II.1.4)

October 23, 2020: National Guard called in to thwart cyberattack in Louisiana weeks before election

November 2, 2020: Reserve Bank partners with Commonwealth Bank, National Australia Bank, Perpetual and ConsenSys Software on Wholesale Central Bank Digital Currency Research Project

November 9, 2020: Biden Warns of ‘Very Dark Winter’ as U.S. Approaches 10 Million Coronavirus Cases

Biden: “We can rebuild the economy back better than it was before.”

November 15, 2020: NYT Editorial Board Opinion: The New World Order That President Biden Will Inherit

“He (Biden) has already vowed to promptly rejoin the Paris accord on climate change and to make climate action central to his administration. He has declared his intention to restore the United States’ relationship with the World Health Organization…”

November 19, 2020: The United Nations uploads a video called UN Digital ID

“All of your personal, HR, medical, travel, security, payroll, and pension data in the palm of your hand … With blockchain and biometrics…”

December 2, 2020: U.S. Senate Hearing: State and Local Cybersecurity: Defending Our Communities from Cyber Threats amid COVID-19

December 3, 2020: John Kerry reveals Biden’s devotion to radical ‘Great Reset’ movement

“At a panel discussion about the Great Reset hosted by the World Economic Forum in mid-November, former Secretary of State John Kerry — Biden’s would-be special presidential envoy for climate — firmly declared that the Biden administration will support the Great Reset and that the Great Reset ‘will happen with greater speed and with greater intensity than a lot of people might imagine.’”

December 3, 2020: BIS, Swiss National Bank and SIX announce successful wholesale CBDC experiment

December 3, 2020: BlackRock’s Deese to Lead Biden’s National Economic Council

December 8, 2020: The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican, A New Alliance Of Global Business Leaders, Launches Today

“‘Capitalism has created enormous global prosperity, but it has also left too many people behind, led to degradation of our planet, and is not widely trusted in society,’ said Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Founder of the Council and Managing Partner of Inclusive Capital Partners. ‘This Council will follow the warning from Pope Francis to listen to ‘the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor’ and answer society’s demands for a more equitable and sustainable model of growth.’”

December 13, 2020: Microsoft, FireEye confirm SolarWinds supply chain attack

December 18, 2020: IBM and Salesforce Join Forces to Help Organizations and Individuals Verify Vaccine and Health Status

“…IBM Digital Health Pass will integrate with the Salesforce platform.”

January 1, 2021: Changes to WHO’s definition of herd immunity haven’t been ‘secret’

“You can see that the June 9 version had a one-paragraph definition for herd immunity that said it is the ‘indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection.’

The Nov. 13 version, however, focused entirely on vaccination and said ‘herd immunity’, also known as ‘population immunity’, is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached.

The Dec. 31 version that is now displayed includes the definition from the June 9 version with further clarification that the WHO supports achieving herd immunity through vaccination rather than mass infections.”

January 7, 2021: Cyber attacks may trigger next crisis for banks

January 11, 2021: Prince Charles calls on private sector to ‘protect the planet’ by signing up to his new charter

January 14, 2021: Microsoft, Cigna form coalition for digital records of COVID-19 vaccination

“A key aim of the project, called Vaccination Credential Initiative, is to help people store encrypted digital copies of their immunization records in a digital wallet of their choice, the companies said in a joint statement on Thursday.”

January 18, 2021: The WEF uploads a (unlisted) video: A cyber-attack with COVID-like characteristics?

“Covid-19 was known as an anticipated risk. So is the digital equivalent. Let’s be better prepared for that one.”

January 19, 2021: The False Narrative Of Bitcoin’s Role In Illicit Activity

“Speaking at a Senate Finance Committee hearing today, Janet Yellen, President-elect Joe Biden’s pick for Secretary of the Treasury, stated cryptocurrencies are ‘a particular concern’ when it comes to criminal activity and terrorist financing.”

“The majority of cryptocurrency is not used for criminal activity. According to an excerpt from Chainalysis’ 2021 report, in 2019, criminal activity represented 2.1% of all cryptocurrency transaction volume (roughly $21.4 billion worth of transfers). In 2020, the criminal share of all cryptocurrency activity fell to just 0.34% ($10.0 billion in transaction volume).”

January 24, 2021: UAE conducts cyberattack simulation on banking sector

January 28, 2021: Biden urged not to give top FDA job to official over her role in opioid crisis

“In a letter to the administration, 28 groups accused Dr Janet Woodcock of presiding over ‘one of the worst regulatory agency failures in US history’ as head of the FDA department responsible for approving new prescription opioids, the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER).”

“‘In its opioid decision-making, Dr Woodcock, and the division she supervised, consistently put the interests of opioid manufacturers ahead of public health, often overruling its own scientific advisors and ignoring the pleas of public health groups, state Attorneys General, and outraged victims of the opioid crisis,’ the letter said.”

February 8, 2021: Hacker tries to poison water supply of Florida city

February 9, 2021: ID2020: Good Health Pass: A New Cross-Sector Initiative to Restore Global Travel and Restart the Global Economy

February 21, 2021: Inside The Race To Create A Covid Passport And Change Travel As We Know It

Andrew Bud, founder and CEO of iProov: “The evolution of vaccine certificates will actually drive the whole field of digital identity in the future. So, therefore, this is not just about Covid, this is about something even bigger.”

February 28, 2021: Pfizer: Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports

There are 1,223 relevant cases that resulted in the outcome of “fatal” during the reporting interval. (Page 7)

March 5, 2021: China has given away millions in its digital yuan trials. This is how it works

“‘The use of cash is decreasing. Eventually cash will be replaced by something in digital format. That is one of the big drivers behind this,’ Yan Xiao, project lead for digital trade at the World Economic Forum, told CNBC.”

March 23, 2021: Massive cargo ship turns sideways, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal

“But it remained unclear when the route, through which around 10% of world trade flows and which is particularly crucial for the transport of oil, would reopen.”

April 11, 2021: Israel appears to confirm it carried out cyberattack on Iran nuclear facility

April 12, 2021: Billions of smartphone owners will soon be authorising payments using facial recognition

“Juniper Research’s analysts predict that a host of biometrics will be used to authenticate mobile payments, including fingerprint, iris and voice recognition. Biometric capabilities will reach 95% of smartphones globally by 2025…”

April 21, 2021: Justice Department convenes task force to tackle wave of ransomware attacks

June 19, 2021: Investment Firms Aren’t Buying All the Houses. But They Are Buying the Most Important Ones.

“But investors are depleting the inventory of the precise houses that might otherwise be obtainable for younger, working- and middle-class households, in the cities where those workers can easily find good-paying jobs…”

May 8, 2021: Ransomware attack forces shutdown of largest fuel pipeline in the U.S.

“The operator of the country’s largest fuel pipeline, Colonial Pipeline, fell victim to a cybersecurity attack on Friday that involved ransomware, forcing it to temporarily shut down all pipeline operations and raising concern that the outage could lead to spot shortages of gas, diesel and jet fuel.”

May 12, 2021: President Signs Executive Order Charting New Course to Improve the Nation’s Cybersecurity and Protect Federal Government Networks

May 14, 2021: Irish Health Service Executive targeted with Ransom demanded by cybercriminals in HSE attack but officials insist: ‘we won’t pay … it would open up Pandora’s Box’

May 20, 2021: ‘Cybersecurity incident’ hampers non-urgent care at hospitals in New Zealand

“The unchecked ransomware attacks on health organizations during the pandemic has heightened pressure on governments to take action. A public-private ransomware task force has recommended that U.S. prosecutors prioritize and seek harsher punishments for ransomware cases that threaten public health and safety.”

May 20, 2021: The IMF publishes: 2021 Comprehensive Surveillance Review — Scenario Planning (PDF)

“Global corporations have assumed the provision of services previously performed by governments.” (Page 5)

“The contribution of government to GDP growth continues to be negative. Demand for government services is decreasing in MNC(multinational corporations) jurisdictions, but the ability to meet that demand is falling even faster. Fiscal buffers did not recover from the 2020–2022 Covid-19 pandemic.” (Page 8)

“Physical access to the greater eco-system campuses and transport requires a passport that certifies one is employed or sponsored by an employee, is up to date with vaccinations, and is healthy (courtesy of constant biometric health screening).” (Pages 9–10)

“Global growth was anemic again in 2029, capping a decade of weak economic performance. Growth was weighed down initially by the increased frequency of natural disasters including droughts and, more recently, by the latest countries to impose exceedingly high, untargeted, and uncoordinated carbon tariffs on imported industrial goods…” (Page 14)

“If there is little global appetite to provide financing or debt relief and Covid-30 is as serious as Covid-19, which expenses must be cut? IMF (2028) shows how removing energy subsidies is good for growth, inequality, and the environment.” (Page 18)

“Hacks that deleted billions of citizens’ entire social credit scores, biometric data, and banking histories.” (Page 21)

The intergovernmental Financial Action Task Force has launched an investigation to track down the illicit financial flows, which are thought to be hidden across 100s of cryptocurrencies and in the world’s few remaining ‘dark money’ havens.” (Page 21)

“In some countries, most citizens tolerated a change in the social contract, temporarily relinquishing data privacy in return for better health security.” (Page 21)

May 20, 2021: The Fed this summer will take another step in developing a digital currency

“However, the moves of multiple countries, most prominently China, in the central bank digital currency (CBDC) space has intensified talk about how aggressively the Fed should move. China’s progress has stirred worries that it could undermine the dollar’s position as the global reserve currency.”

May 21, 2021: Irish cyber-attack: Hackers bail out Irish health service for free

May 25, 2021: The WEF publishes an article co-authored by a Security Specialist from Ireland-based company Accenture: The average ransomware demand is now $170K. Here’s how we can fight back

“Several key activities/efforts were identified that, if implemented appropriately, could greatly hinder ransomware success:

• Information-sharing/collaboration. Faster detection and cross-sector sharing of IOCs for new malware and associate these with ransomware. Prioritize analysis of association for sharing, leading to adoption of intelligence-led security controls to pre-empt attacks.

• Public-private pooling of resources for vulnerability testing, threat analysis and research.

• Build a picture of the financial capabilities of malicious actors and guide law enforcement disruption of those capabilities through breaking the chain of illicit use of cryptocurrencies to fiat currency, real-world goods and support services.

• Incentivize cyber hygiene and issue World Economic Forum message on raising cybersecurity standards.”

May 27, 2021: Fujitsu pulls ProjectWEB tool offline after apparent supply chain attack sees Japanese infosec agency data stolen

May 27, 2021: Microsoft says SolarWinds hackers have struck again at the US and other countries

May 31, 2021: All of JBS’s U.S. Beef Plants Were Forced Shut by Cyberattack

June 2, 2021: Impact of Ransomware Attack on Mass. Steamship Authority Expected to Continue Thursday

June 3, 2021: Exclusive: U.S. to give ransomware hacks similar priority as terrorism

June 4, 2021: Chimerix Receives U.S. Food and Drug Administration Approval for TEMBEXA® (brincidofovir) for the Treatment of Smallpox

June 8, 2021: Capitol Hill vendor hit by ransomware attack: report

June 9, 2021: Rep. Jim Himes on cybersecurity: “We have not established any sort of deterrents for cyberattacks … the Russians, the Chinese, the North Koreans, and the Iranians need to know that if they attack our infrastructure, they are going to get that back proportionately.”

June 9, 2021: Biden to Troops: Military Told Me That ‘Global Warming’ Is ‘Greatest Threat to America’

June 9, 2021: JBS paid $11 million to hackers to resolve ransomware attack

“Colonial CEO Joseph Blount has confirmed that the company paid the equivalent of $4.4 million in bitcoin to end the hack. U.S. investigators said Monday that they were able to recapture ‘the majority of the ransom’ that was paid.”

June 10, 2021: Evidence grows stronger for Covid vaccine link to heart issue, CDC says

“Still, the higher-than-normal incidence is worthy of further scrutiny. The CDC will hold a meeting of its Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices on June 18 to further look at the evidence and assess the risk of myocarditis following vaccination.”

June 10, 2021: OSHA: Protecting Workers: Guidance on Mitigating and Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 in the Workplace

OSHA updates their guidance to include: “Note on recording adverse reactions to vaccines: OSHA, like many other federal agencies, is working diligently to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations. OSHA does not want to give any suggestion of discouraging workers from receiving COVID-19 vaccination or to disincentivize employers’ vaccination efforts. As a result, OSHA will not enforce 29 CFR part 1904’s recording requirements to require any employers to record worker side effects from COVID-19 vaccination at least through May 2022.”

June 16, 2021: Putin Claims Most Cyberattacks Come From U.S., Not Russia

“Putin ‘knows I will take action’ in response to future Russian election interference and cyberattacks, Biden claimed.”

“U.S. intelligence officials have blamed hackers based in Russia for the cyberattack that forced Colonial Pipeline to shut down its pipeline carrying gas to 45% of the East Coast’s gasoline, though Biden has asserted there’s no evidence the Kremlin was involved.”

June 17, 2021 (cyberattack date): School district pays hefty ransom to resolve cyberattack

June 20, 2021: Texas power companies automatically raised the temperature of customers’ smart thermostats in the middle of a heat wave

June 22, 2021: EcoHealth Alliance head Daszak leaves UN-backed COVID origins probe

“EcoHealth Alliance president Peter Daszak’s profile on the website of The Lancet COVID-19 Commission has been updated to include the parenthetical quote ‘recused from Commission work on the origins of the pandemic.’”

“Earlier this month, Vanity Fair reported that Dazsak helped organize a statement signed by 27 leading scientists that appeared in The Lancet — a prestigious British medical journal — in February 2020. The statement condemned what it called ‘conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin’ and proclaimed ‘solidarity with all scientists and health professionals in China’.”

“Two months after The Lancet statement was published, Daszak emailed National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci thanking him for supporting the theory that the coronavirus naturally jumped from animals to humans and did not leak out of the Wuhan lab.”

“Daszak has also been scrutinized over his role as the sole US representative on a World Health Organization fact-finding mission to Wuhan earlier this year. That trip produced a report that said the virus likely emerged from animals and that was panned by governments around the world, as well as the WHO’s own director general.”

June 22, 2021: 18,000 Tulsa City Files Leaked In Ransomware Attack

June 23, 2021: The National Guard Just Simulated A Cyberattack That Brought Down Utilities Nationwide

“This year’s exercises simulated a cyber attack that targeted utilities on the West Coast before spreading east across the United States towards New England.”

June 23, 2021: Wall Street firms like BlackRock are snapping up every single American home they can find. Here are the 6 most important things to know about this trend pricing out everyday people.

“Single-family rental companies have seen a huge boost from the pandemic and hold record cash.”

“Investors — a group that includes SFR buyers — spent a record $77 billion on home purchases in the six-month period spanning the fourth quarter of 2020 and the first quarter of 2021.”

“Investment firms are really beating out average homebuyers.”

June 24, 2021: Mysteriously deleted Wuhan Covid gene sequences found, US confirms removal from database

June 25, 2021: Diane Francis: Canadian Forces have right to know if they got COVID at the 2019 Military World Games in Wuhan

“Two Canadian military sources, who asked for anonymity because they are currently serving in the Canadian Armed Forces, said the military bureaucracy ignored their symptoms and also suggested China was covering up an outbreak months before it admitted COVID existed.”

July 2, 2021: US companies hit by ‘colossal’ cyber-attack

“Huntress Labs said the hack targeted Florida-based IT company Kaseya before spreading through corporate networks that use its software.”

July 7, 2021: FBI, CISA Investigating Hack of Republican Party

“The U.S. is investigating a cyberattack against the Republican National Committee believed to have been carried out by Russian hackers.”

“…the government has not officially determined who is behind the hack.”

“Russia’s U.S. Ambassador Anatoly Antonov said Moscow wasn’t involved in hacks against U.S. infrastructure and he reiterated previous offers by President Vladimir Putin’s government to work with the U.S. on cybersecurity issues.”

July 8, 2021: Wells Fargo tells customers it’s shuttering all personal lines of credit

July 9, 2021: The WEF hosts Cyber Polygon

“Electronic money falls into three main categories: central bank digital currencies (CBDC), stablecoins and cryptocurrencies. The first two are the potential drivers for the development of the commercial banking sector. Cryptocurrency is very volatile, but it does generate a lot of public interest in the concept of digital currency. The task of central banks is to keep the monetary system stable. In pursuit of this, central banks must be at the heart of the changes in the financial sector, they must broaden the functionality of money and of the economy, which is becoming increasingly digitised.” (Page 25)

“Ransomware is still one of the most persistent threats both for the private and public sectors. Encrypting data and demanding ransom in cryptocurrency is an easy way for fraudsters to reach financial gains.” (Page 35)

Klaus Schwab: “We have seen in the past few months, for example, ransomware attacks targeting hospitals, critical infrastructure, school systems, the power grid, and many other essential services … Ransomware attacks are complex, and criminal enterprises are increasing their scale and impact. This highlights the need for a structured multi-stakeholder, multi-lateral approach to secure our society against them.”

July 9, 2021: ‘Cyber-attack’ hits Iran’s transport ministry and railways

“Iran has been the source as well as the target of attempted cyber-attacks in recent years — some of them apparently state-sponsored attacks hampering its nuclear fuel production efforts.”

July 12, 2021: ‘Potentially a death sentence’: White House goes off on vaccine fearmongers

“Biden allied groups, including the Democratic National Committee, are also planning to engage fact-checkers more aggressively and work with SMS carriers to dispel misinformation about vaccines that is sent over social media and text messages.”

July 16, 2021: California just agreed to send up to $1,000 monthly checks to residents in nation’s first guaranteed income program

July 19, 2021: George Soros And Bill Gates’ Backed Consortium To Buy U.K. Maker Of Covid Tests For $41 Million

July 20, 2021: Hearing On “Stopping Digital Thieves: The Growing Threat of Ransomware”

Kemba Walden, Assistant General Counsel at Microsoft: “Efforts to date illustrate that a collaborative multi-stakeholder approach — sharing actionable information and leveraging the combined capabilities of the private sector and the government — yields the best opportunity to disrupt cybercrime quickly and at scale.”

Philip Reiner, CEO at the Institute for Security and Technology: “Ransomware has become too large of a threat for any one entity to address, and the scale and magnitude of this challenge urgently demands coordinated global action.”

Reiner: “…ransomware can be disrupted when threat actors are pushed out of the business and the appeal to new threat actors is reduced. This includes increased targeting of the criminals themselves, their technical infrastructure, and the cryptocurrency payment process they rely on for funds.”

Reiner: “The cryptocurrency sector that enables ransomware crime should be more closely regulated.”

July 21, 2021: Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing.

CDC: “After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel.”

July 22, 2021: NHS Framework Agreement for the supply of Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs) for the NHS in England

July 24, 2021: China’s digital yuan could pose challenges to the U.S. dollar

“Nearly 80 countries — including China and the U.S. — are in the process of developing a CBDC, or Central Bank Digital Currency.”

July 27, 2021: How Digital ID can help citizens access government services from anywhere

“So-called digital ‘vaccination passports’ will play a key role in enabling citizens to access all manner of services and will act as a precursor to the rollout of mobile digital ID.”

“…the deployment of a digital ID wallet — primarily for digital driving licenses — will act as a gateway and the foundations for other vital government services, such as health passes.”

“…EU target of 80% of its citizens using eIDs by 2030…”

July 27, 2021: Biden: If U.S. has ‘real shooting war’ it could be result of cyber attacks

Biden: “I think it’s more than likely we’re going to end up, if we end up in a war — a real shooting war with a major power — it’s going to be as a consequence of a cyber breach of great consequence…”

July 30, 2021: Brisbane quarantine hub given green light but unlikely to open until 2022

July 30, 2021: Hundreds of Defence Force personnel to join Sydney COVID-19 fight

“In addition, the NSW government has handed the police force additional powers to close businesses and shut down illegal construction work.”

August 3, 2021: Wuhan Lab Air Circulation Systems Were Defective ahead of First Known COVID Cases, Congressional Report Finds

“Shortly after the WIV took its public virus database off the internet in September 2019, the lab announced a contract competition to renovate its air conditioning system for approximately $606 million.”

August 4, 2021: Eskenazi Health diverts incoming ambulances due to attempted ransomware attack

August 5, 2021: G20: The Digital Ministers Approve a Declaration Identifying 12 Actions to Accelerate the Digital Transition of the Economy and Governments

August 7, 2021: Covid in Sydney: Communities feel under siege as troops deployed

August 9, 2021: Pros and Cons of a Digital COVID-19 Vaccination Passport

“It (COVID-19 passport) expands the use case for digital IDs, beyond COVID-19 vaccination only, and potentially serves as a digital ID as a more comprehensive, universal source of identity information that could include driver’s license information and digital wallet information, in addition to health information, to name just a few use cases.”

August 11, 2021: Accenture Falls While It Downplays Ransomware Attack

“LockBit is a ransomware variant first detected in September 2019.”

“According to Accenture’s own report, released August 4, global cyber intrusion activity more than doubled in first half of 2021.”

“From an industry perspective, consumer goods and services was targeted the most, accounting for 21% of cyberattacks, followed by industrial/manufacturing, banking, and travel & hospitality industries, at 16%, 10% and 9%, respectively.”

August 12, 2021: Panic buying as Australian capital enters lockdown

“The government has announced it may deploy extra military personnel in Sydney to ensure compliance with the rules.”

August 14, 2021: More military personnel deployed to enforce Sydney Covid restrictions as entire state locks down

August 16, 2021: New Zealand’s Ardern orders nationwide lockdown over one COVID-19 case

August 21, 2021: Hundreds arrested, fined during Australia lockdown protests

August 21, 2021: State Department hit by cyber attack amid Afghan evacuation: report

August 25, 2021: The World Economy’s Supply Chain Problem Keeps Getting Worse

“A supply chain crunch that was meant to be temporary now looks like it will last well into next year as the surging delta variant upends factory production in Asia and disrupts shipping, posing more shocks to the world economy.”

August 25, 2021: Legislation passes both Houses in Australia: Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Bill 2021

“…introduce data disruption warrants to enable the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) to disrupt data by modifying, adding, copying or deleting data in order to frustrate the commission of serious offences online; and make minor technical corrections; the Surveillance Devices Act 2004 to introduce network activity warrants to enable the AFP and ACIC to collect intelligence on serious criminal activity by permitting access to the devices and networks used to facilitate criminal activity; the Crimes Act 1914 to: introduce account takeover warrants to enable the AFP and ACIC to take over a person’s online account for the purposes of gathering evidence to further a criminal investigation.”

August 26, 2021: Regional COVID-19 quarantine facility to be built near Wellcamp Airport in Queensland

August 27, 2021: The WHO publishes guidance document: Digital documentation of COVID-19 certificates: vaccination status: technical specifications and implementation guidance

“This is a guidance document for countries and implementing partners on the technical requirements for developing digital information systems for issuing standards-based interoperable digital certificates for COVID-19 vaccination status, and considerations for implementation of such systems, for the purposes of continuity of care, and proof of vaccination.”

August 31, 2021: In a major blow to vaccine efforts, senior FDA leaders stepping down

“A former senior FDA leader told Endpoints that they’re departing because they’re frustrated that CDC and their ACIP committee are involved in decisions that they think should be up to the FDA. The former FDAer also said he’s heard they’re upset with CBER director Peter Marks for not insisting that those decisions should be kept inside FDA. What finally did it for them was the White House getting ahead of FDA on booster shots.”

September 9, 2021: Australian public health chief says Covid contact tracing is part of ‘New World Order

“Dr. Chant said: ‘We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order … yes it will be pubs and clubs and other things if we have a positive case there.’”

September 9, 2021: Biden announces sweeping vaccine mandates affecting millions of workers

“President Joe Biden on Thursday issued two executive orders mandating vaccines for federal workers and contractors and announced new requirements for large employers and health care providers that he said would affect around 100 million workers, more than two-thirds of the U.S. workforce.”

September 14, 2021: NYSE says to co-launch new, environmentally sustainable asset class

“The NYSE, which is owned by Intercontinental Exchange Inc (ICE.N), said ‘natural asset companies’ (NACs) will be listed and traded on its exchange, ‘creating a new market whose assets generate trillions of dollars in ecosystem services annually.’”

September 18, 2021: Helicopters, checkpoints, riot squads: NSW Police launch operation to crush planned protest

September 21, 2021: Wuhan scientists planned to release coronavirus particles into cave bats, leaked papers reveal

“Peter Daszak and the EcoHealth Alliance (EHA) proposed injecting deadly chimeric bat coronaviruses collected by the Wuhan Institute of Virology into humanised and ‘batified’ mice, and much, much more.”

September 22, 2021: Chinese whistleblower claims first COVID outbreak was INTENTIONAL and happened in October 2019 at Military World Games in Wuhan — two months before China notified the world about virus

“Mr Jingsheng also claims he took his concerns about the unfolding situation to senior figures within the Trump administration in November 2019 but was ignored.”

September 23, 2021: Fauci says U.S. may face “dark winter,” but it can be avoided if Americans are vaccinated to a “very high degree”

September 24, 2021: CDC overrides advisory panel to back Pfizer booster for Americans with high-risk jobs

“CDC advisory panel had only recommended boosters for elderly and some people with underlying medical conditions.”

September 24, 2021: Victoria Police censored ‘vital’ media coverage of Melbourne protests

September 29, 2021: YouTube bans accounts with vaccine misinformation

September 29, 2021: The workers who keep global supply chains moving are warning of a ‘system collapse’

October 1, 2021: Inside China’s ‘Camp Covid’: Incredible pictures show country’s sprawling quarantine centre that was built in THREE MONTHS

October 5, 2021: China PCR test orders soared before first confirmed COVID case

“About 67.4 million yuan ($10.5 million at current rates) was spent on PCR tests in Hubei during 2019, nearly double the 2018 total, with the upswing starting in May (2019), according to the report.”

October 6, 2021: Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco Announces National Cryptocurrency Enforcement Team

“Collaborate and build relationships with private sector actors with expertise in cryptocurrency matters to further the criminal enforcement mission.”

October 12, 2021: Subway airflow study to test potential impact of chemical or biological attack

“NEW YORK CITY — Airflow tests will be conducted within the subway system this month as part of a study on the city’s emergency preparedness and the potential impacts of a chemical or biological terrorist attack, according to the MTA and U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Federal and local officials plan to release non-toxic material at 120 locations, inside underground subway stations and at street level, and collect air samples to glean insights about the airflow relationship, officials said.”

October 13, 2021: Northern Territory announces mandatory vaccines for workers and $5000 fines for those who don’t comply

October 14, 2021: The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security uploads a video called Dark Winter

October 22, 2021: Supermarkets using cardboard cutouts to hide gaps left by supply issues

October 23, 2021: FDA weighs risk of myocarditis in review of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for kids 5–11

“However, if cases of COVID-19 were to fall to the low levels last seen in June, the FDA predicted the U.S. might not see enough severe COVID-19 cases in children to outnumber the incidents of myocarditis or pericarditis.

At that level, the FDA said it was possible that the vaccine might lead to 21 prevented COVID-19 hospitalizations and 58 excess hospitalizations for myocarditis, per million children vaccinated.”

October 25, 2021: Biden mandates shots for foreign visitors, makes travel tougher for non-vaccinated

October 26, 2021: Iran says cyberattack causes widespread disruption at gas stations

“Iran says it is on high alert for online assaults, which it has blamed in the past on its arch-foes United States and Israel.”

“‘This attack was probably carried out by a foreign country. It is too early to announce by which country and in which way it was done,’ Abolhassan Firouzabadi, secretary of Iran’s Supreme Council of Cyberspace, told state TV.”

“The computer virus Stuxnet, which is widely believed to have been developed by the United States and Israel, was discovered in 2010 after it was used to attack a uranium enrichment facility in Iran. It was the first publicly known example of a virus being used to attack industrial machinery.”

October 26, 2021: Thousands of Australians with unpaid fines for breaking Covid rules have their homes seized, bank accounts raided and licences cancelled as government chases $5.2million

“SPER said enforcement for people who failed to pay their fines ‘may include garnishing bank accounts or wages, registering charges over property, or suspending driver licences.”

November 1, 2021: Prince Charles calls for ‘military-style campaign’ to force ‘fundamental economic transition’ & combat climate change

“Here we need a vast military-style campaign to marshal the strength of the global private sector. With trillions at its disposal, far beyond global GDP and with the greatest respect beyond even the governments of the world’s leaders, it offers the only real prospect of achieving fundamental economic transition.”

November 4, 2021: Bill Gates warns of smallpox terror attacks and urges leaders to use ‘germ games’ to prepare

“The Microsoft founder also called for the formation of a new billion-dollar World Health Organisation Pandemic Task Force.”

November 4, 2021: Up to Approximately $113 Million of Oral TPOXX® Targeted for Delivery to the U.S. Government in the Fourth Quarter

SIGA: “Our lead product is TPOXX, also known as tecovirimat and ST-246, an orally administered and IV formulation antiviral drug for the treatment of human smallpox disease caused by variola virus.”

November 8, 2021: Hackers have breached organizations in defense and other sensitive sectors, security firm says

“Suspected foreign hackers have breached nine organizations in the defense, energy, health care, technology and education sectors — and at least one of those organizations is in the US…”

November 9, 2021: Bank of England: Statement on Central Bank Digital Currency next steps

“If the results of this ‘development’ phase conclude that the case for CBDC is made, and that it is operationally and technologically robust, then the earliest date for launch of a UK CBDC would be in the second half of the decade.”

November 9, 2021: Russia expects to launch digital rouble prototype in early 2022

November 10, 2021: Heavy burden for consumers as holidays near: Soaring prices

“Prices for U.S. consumers jumped 6.2% in October compared with a year earlier, leaving families facing their highest inflation rate since 1990, the Labor Department said Wednesday.”

November 13, 2021: COP26 closes with ‘compromise’ deal on climate, but it’s not enough, says UN chief

“The UN chief added that it is time to go ‘into emergency mode’, ending fossil fuel subsidies, phasing out coal, putting a price on carbon, protecting vulnerable communities, and delivering the $100 billion climate finance commitment.”

November 13, 2021: Hackers compromise FBI email system, send thousands of messages

“Hackers compromised a Federal Bureau of Investigation email system on Saturday and sent tens of thousands of messages warning of a possible cyberattack, according to the agency and security specialists.”

November 16, 2021: FBI investigating vials labeled ‘smallpox’ found in lab near Philadelphia

“There were reportedly a total of 15 questionable vials, according to the unclassified ‘For Official Use Only’ alert, a copy of which was obtained by Yahoo News. Five of the vials were labeled as ‘smallpox’ and 10 were labeled as ‘vaccinia.’”

November 17, 2021: Rare, contagious monkeypox virus appears in Maryland after patient returned from overseas travel

November 17, 2021: The definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ is changing to three Covid-19 doses

November 18, 2021: CDC Testing Shows Commercial Lab Vials Contain No Trace of Virus Known to Cause Smallpox

“Laboratory testing at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today showed that recently discovered vials marked as ‘smallpox’ contain vaccinia, the virus used in smallpox vaccine. There is no evidence that the vials contain variola virus, the cause of smallpox.”

November 18, 2021: White House tells businesses to move forward with vaccine mandate

“For the second time in a month, the White House on Thursday urged large businesses to move forward with coronavirus vaccine mandates for their workforces despite court challenges to the Biden administration’s vaccine-or-test requirement for private companies.”

“A three-judge panel on the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans blocked the vaccine mandate earlier this month.”

November 19, 2021: House passes Build Back Better bill after overnight delay

November 19, 2021: Austria plans compulsory Covid vaccination for all

“The government said it was preparing the legal groundwork for a general vaccine mandate to come into effect from 1 February…”

November 29, 2021: UK to offer booster shots to all adults, just three months after their second dose

“All adults in the United Kingdom will be able to get their booster Covid-19 vaccine doses three months after their second shot, the government indicated on Monday, in a dramatic acceleration of the country’s inoculation drive that comes amid fears over the Omicron variant.”

November 30, 2021: Greece to make vaccinations for people over 60 mandatory, PM says

November 30, 2021: The Congressional Budget Office releases a report: Federal Debt and the Statutory Limit, November 2021

“CBO projects that, if the debt limit remained unchanged and if the Treasury transferred $118 billion to the Highway Trust Fund on December 15, as currently planned, the Treasury would most likely run out of cash before the end of December.”

November 30, 2021: Fed’s Powell floats dropping “transitory” label for inflation

December 1, 2021: SIGA Announces Health Canada Regulatory Approval of Oral TPOXX®

“In June 2019, SIGA entered into an international promotion agreement with Meridian Medical Technologies, Inc. (‘Meridian’), a Pfizer company. Under the agreement, Meridian will promote the sale of oral tecovirimat for the treatment of smallpox in all international markets outside of the United States. SIGA will continue to own all rights to the product and its related intellectual property.”

December 1, 2021: Covid Omicron: Time to consider mandatory jabs, EU chief says

December 2, 2021: Germany Announces Lockdown For Unvaccinated And Could Soon Make Shots Compulsory

December 6, 2021: New York City orders a ‘1st-in-the-nation’ vaccine mandate for private companies

December 7, 2021: “There’s not going to be an endpoint to this vaccination program…” says New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern.

December 9, 2021: Evergrande Declared in Default as Huge Restructuring Looms

December 9, 2021: IMF, 10 countries simulate cyberattack on global financial system



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Morpheus Codex

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